
Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Akomanga Kaihanga Project Rotation One

Project question: 

How might we make our school more vibrant?

The process to answering our project question:
Step 1. Identifying the problem: Our school is very dull.
Step 2. Ideate different solutions: Create art competitions, paint etc.
Step 3. Design a prototype: Paint four benches, each bench will be one house colour.
Step 4. Test and get feedback: Paint the benches and get feedback from staff and students.
Step 5. Refine and test again: Reflect on the process, look at the feedback and create and test an improved version.

Personally, I think our process started off slow but gradually got better towards the end. We were only able to paint two benches during the time we were given, so we are working on a time to paint the other two.

Showcase night:
My experience from the showcase night was okay. I think my team and I were a little unprepared and shy when we spoke. I enjoyed listening to the other teams present and loved to see their progress with their projects.

Is there anything I would do differently?
Yes, I would come more prepared and finish our project before the day of the showcase.

Overall, what did you learn from the first rotation of project-based learning in term 2?
I learnt to try and test our prototype as soon as we can so we have time to refine and reflect.