
Monday, 20 November 2017

A Big Audience!

On Wednesday the 8th of November Jessica, Meafou, Vaimoana and I went to the Hoytes Cinema in Sylvia Park. It was the Manaiakalani Film Festival! The Manaiakalani Film Festival is an event that happens every year! The point of the event is, every school in the Manaiakalani cluster make a film that has a message. We were representing our school, Ruapotaka. We had to leave school before everyone else because we had to represent at three different cinemas. We would have to go on stage and say a little speech, to give the audience a little hint of what our film was about.

We left school at 12:05 and got to the cinemas at 12:15. On the way to the cinemas we were being silly, and having fun. Just laughing our nerves away. Jessica was sitting next to the open window, and every time a person in a car went pass she would yell HI to them. Every time she did it, she got the same response. The response was, each person would look out their window and give Jessica a weird look. Every time they did that, we all laughed our heads off! As we got closer to the cinemas my heart pounded faster and faster. At that point I was sure the people round me could hear it too.

As we approached the cinema I started to feel very anxious. It felt as though the time was flying past. I couldn't wait to get it over and done with! We walked into the cinema and found our seats. As we took our seats Jessica and I watched the rest of the kids come in. The kids that were coming in were from all different schools. We were the seventh people to go up....the time had come, Jessica and I were walking up to the stage. The bright light was shining in our eyes. We both took a deep breath...

(Jessica) "Can you feel the love tonight!"
(Jessica) Isn't love just the best?
(Me) Well, besides all the lovey dubby stuff, what is the true meaning of love?
(Jessica) When you think about it, love...its everywhere
(Me) Hmm...I wonder what comes to mind when people think of love
(Jessica) I'm Jessica
(Me) And I'm Leanah
(Together) And we are year6 students from Ruapotaka School
(Me) Enjoy our film
Everyone started clapping. We walked off stage. Straight after we walked off stage, we had to go to our next cinema.

The last cinema we went to was the Luxury, in the cinema all the seats at the back were fulled with Tamiki College...I was anxious.
After we exited the cinema we took a photo in front of Hulk.

After it was all over we drove back to school, and said goodbye to everyone.
We had an awesome experience!

1 comment:

Ms G said...

You both did a fab job! Well done

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